Well Weathered
Pat Dube. All Rights Reserved.
We're getting well weathered, waiting for an indication
Seems like I'm not the only one, that's waiting
That doesn't need the strings, has no need to
No need to feel a reason, I should be somewhere
else instead
Do you feel like you're missing out?
Sometimes you don't know what counts
When the day clearly begins with a headline you're
Do you feel like you've messed up?
Don't know which way is up
When the smallest incident becomes the biggest
Missing all the points that would help remove
To conclude the issue, make clear a situation
Our minds get so scattered, processing the information
Make a little sense, from what's going on
Do you feel like you've messed up?
Don't know which way is up
When the day clearly begins with a headline you're
Do you feel like you're missing out?
Sometimes you don't know what counts
When the smallest incident becomes the biggest
We're getting well weathered, waiting for an indication
Seem like I'm not the only one.
1998 Pat Dube, All Rights Reserved.