the best traditions of bands producing well-structured pop / rock songs
comes the Canadian four
piece, SHOOTING RUBYS. MOOD SWINGS AND CRAVINGS"...pop / melodic guitar tunes with catchy uplifting lyrics and vocal harmonies" PHASE
9 - London, England
Rating: |
Swings And Cravings" Opening track "Even If", complete with its' Nirvana
bassline and anthemic chorus, is a real storming start. Elsewhere, the
bright strumming pop of "Dream Like You" and last track "Well Weathered"
stand out and there's also the occasional twang here and there. It's all
catchy as hell, chock full of excellent tunes and harmonies. Highly recommended.
June 2002
" Voilà une intéressante collection d'enregistrements démos de la part de ce quatuor de Montréal avec, de surcroît, une qualité d'enregistrement de beaucoup supérieure à ce qu'on peut s'attendre lorsque le mot "démo" est prononcé ! Ce band illustre bien l'atout montréalais : il est composé de deux anglophones et deux francophones, le chanteur principal Pat Dubé chantant en anglais sans accent, rassurez-vous. Leur musique se veut un rock assez simple, assez commercial, basé sur quelques couches de guitares qui rappellent tant 54.40 ("Even if") que Blue Rodeo ("Perfect Mood") sans trop tomber dans le country. On y sent les racines folk de Dubé, tout en reconnaissant ce son canadien. Les gars ont aussi le mérite d'avoir tout enregistré eux-mêmes, et ma foi, l'un d'eux doit avoir suivi une formation de technique du son, vu le degré de professionnalisme de "Mood swings & cravings". " |
"Shooting Rubys has a distinctive
sound bolstered by solid melodies and harmonies, creative guitar work and
a steady rhythm section. Standout songs seem to be the ones effectively
capturing a mood, from the melancholy "Never Come Around" to the ironically
upbeat "Dream Like You". Fans of catchy guitar rock will not be disappointed."
Donnelly - TuneVault, Ottawa
www.tunevault.com |
If by the Shooting Rubys..." "...This is a raw rock track by the Rubys...theres
a nice structure,
a good chorus and it has sort of a surprise ending".
Harrison - Talking Heads
(Real.Com Music News Feature) |
"This Canadian band is more
than just proficient with their rootsy, 12 string jangle and full bolstered
vocal harmonies, they put together a winning and credible formula of classic
(but competent) Replacements,
Blue Rodeo (a lot!), some early REM, The Windbreakers, Wilco and Ryan Adams. Just consistently excellent songwriting and rootsy charm overflow and hint a band who must rock live."... "Oodles of heartfelt and warmly earnest vocals shine inside all the jangle 'n strum, making this a Very Highly Recommended fix for fans of rootsy jangle pop! " Not
Lame - Fort Collins, Colorado
www.notlame.com |
Peppy,well-played, hook-filled
(lots and lots!), powerful and rootsy at times, guitar-driven indie garage
janglepop (whew!) by a band with lots of promise from North of the border!
Gianchetti - Kool Kat Musik, Sewel, New Jersey
www.koolkatmusik.com |
pure music. Nightsounds concurs. The rock cuts are laden with zippy melodies
and grooving guitar and drum work, and yet, the disk has a laidback, just
chillin' vibe".
Crosbie - Kingston Whig-Standard
"This is a solid independent
release from a solid Montreal based band. A lot of acoustic guitar was
used on the album so its not too heavy but the songs moved so its not too
light. Pardon the mental image but think Bare Naked Ladies with balls.
A consistent listen but one that varies enough to keep the listener interested.
My personal favourite is the lead off track, "Even If" probably because
it has that alternative edge. The band is tight and the production is impressive"
Hen - Canadian-Music
www.canadian-music.com Rating: |
" I'll give credit where
credit is due - Mood Swings and Cravings is a catchy album..."
"... a relatively successful pop album that's loaded with hooks and pleasant melodies. Not only that, as this is largely a collection of demo material, it shows a lot of promise for the Rubys' future. In fact, they come off as being much more polished than most bands in their situation, and it will be most interesting to see how their sophomore release turns out. " Matt
Shimmer - IndieVille, Toronto
www.indieville.com |
"Québec's Shooting
Rubys are highly reminiscent of the now-defunct Odds, with their melodic
alt-rock, and Mood Swings and Cravings sounds like a professional studio
effort, even though the collection of demo tracks were recorded in various
"bedrooms and living rooms." The vocal harmonies are raw and well-suited
for the sound that the Rubys are obviously striving for."
RECOMMENDED TRACKS: "Even If", "Well Weathered", "Never Come Around" Carla
Putnam, CJSR Radio, Edmonton, AB
Reviewed for !EarShot www.earshot-online.com |
Live Show Review of Oct.
2nd 2002 Gert's (McGill University, Montreal)
"Shooting Rubys took the stage. Instantly, their power pop style was apparent: strong back beat, solid rhythm guitar work and stereotypical anti-establishment, angst-fuelled lyrics." "Well-crafted songs with concise melodies are not easy to make, and Shooting Rubys have released a CD full of them." Scott
Medvin - Tribune (McGill University) Montreal
Shooting Rubys have a big, brash sound but, regrettably, have been keeping
a low profile...that is until recently. In the last few weeks, memorable
shows with Aussie band, The Waifs,
and local stalwarts, Fidget, coupled with the recent release of a new CD, "Mood Swings and Cravings", brings the band back into the local music spotlight. Veterans
of several Montreal area groups, including The Griffins and Glue, the Rubys
particular blend of music runs the gamut from straight-ahead power pop
to folksy rock to introspective alt-country gems. Amongst several stand-out
tracks on their new CD, "Even If" and "Perfect Mood" bear witness to the
Rubys ability to craft a catchy, hook laden rock tune while "Never Come
Around" is as lilting and
David St-Pierre - OrcaSound, Montreal
www.orcasound.com |
passionate pickers bring a lot of experience to the table and play a confident
set that ranges from your Replacements-style rockers to dirt-heeled, country-flavoured
O'Meara - Hour Magazine, Montreal
I think what makes Shooting Rubys stand out is not the Barenaked Ladies
melodies or the intelligence of their lyrics, but the subtle hues of instrumentation
Magazine, Toronto
The blending of the more straight forward modern rock vocals with the at
times alt-country music is very catchy, especially on "Bad Days" and "Well
Weathered". The rest of the disc is a mixture of modern rock and alt-country
tracks. It has an almost 50/50 mixture of the two styles, with the two
combining on several tracks. The alt-country tracks were dead-on! Out of
Touch" returns to the fuzzy guitar sound of the intro track, with pounding
bass and swift drums added for extra listening pleasure. I pressed repeat
on this song quite a few times... " From there the music takes a left turn
into an alt-country, country/rock sound, somewhere between Wilco, the Old
97's and the Refreshments. At the same time, lead vocalist Pat Dube's voice
reminds me a bit of the lead singer of Eve 6. The blending of the more
straight forward modern rock vocals with the at times alt-country music
is very catchy, especially on "Bad Days" and "Well Weathered".
"...Never Come Around" sounds a bit like a Paul Westerberg tune, with more tuneful and pleasant vocals. This was, and will continue to be, a nice country/rock listen. South
of Mainstream Magazine, Toronto
LISTENING: Power pop ranging to thinking-man's rock are the watchwords
"Montreal's Shooting Ruby's are keeping busy of late, pushing the newly released CD Mood Swings and Cravings - rootsy rock with a good heart"
T'Cha Dunlevy - The Gazette, Montreal
to hear the October 2001 CHOM interview with Too Tall.
97.7 FM, Montreal
song sounds fantastic. It's fresh, clear, with nice tunes, good playing....love
it !"
Dragan Stajic - 106,8 FM Zrenjanin Yugoslavia
is a first; I can't compare it to any other artist to whom I have listened."
"I very much like the energy of Shooting Rubys" Lisa-Marie
Serafin - Songwriters' Circle,
CJUM, UMFM 101.5, Winnipeg, MB |
couple of single tunes that stand out include:
"Dream Like You" by the Shooting Rubys (on their Mood Swings And Cravings disc). Sure sounds like a vintage jangly Posies track to me! Eric
Sorensen - Fufkin
Fort Lauderdale, FL |
Kingston, ON
Live show review, Montreal
Aug. 2002 at Le Swimming
" in stark contrast to the quaint laidback folksiness of their opening band, the Rubys stormed the stage, raised the volume a few notches, and proceeded to blow the roof off of the place. Showcasing several new tunes, including the rollicking opener, "Wish You Well",as well as perennial faves like "Even If" and "Dream Like You", the band played with a sense of urgency, not only winning over the crowd, but also drawing people from the ongoing street fest below - no small feat on a beautiful summer's night." David
St-Pierre - OrcaSound, Montreal
www.orcasound.com |
..SHOOTING FOR THE STARS .BY ERICA SZÜCS - The Chronicle, Wednesday, August 29th 2001
Montreal Fringe Fest 2001
"Very contemporary, and yet strong enough to be a contender with music of any time period...very nice vocals and music." hOtbOx - South Vienna, Ohio "I have a gigantic boner!" lnWatts - Portland, Oregon ...no frills, just straight, feel-good rock. As straightforward as this music is, it strikes a happy chord in me and I wonder why there aren't more bands like this. Muppet Hunt - Los Angeles, California "History Doesn't Repeat - It Gets Better God bless post-modernism - just when you think that everything that can be done with your basic guitars-bass-drums combo has been done, someone can come along and prove you wrong... reminded me of Nirvana, REM, 70's punk and power pop, all thrown into a blender for a refreshing cocktail." Heaven - Massillon, Ohio "The guy sings with a real voice - I can't find anything to criticize!" WillX - Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania "Elvis Costello and Dylan's Love Child" BlackIrish - Boston, Massachusetts "Cool guitar pop with good singing. The vocals remind me of Firetown singer Doug Erikson (now of Garbage) very similar indeed! They sound like they would be cool to see live" Mesa, Arizona "Nice vocals, fine musicianship, good production, song structure and lyrics." RadMass - Nashville, Tennessee Great Voice. I really dig the moody vocals... production taint bad neither. Yap - Monterey, California "If you think you've heard the best check this out It was good from the start. Good clean vocals (actually a good singer) and the musicians sounded very together. Overall one of the best songs I've heard yet... Even If" Elkhorn, Nebraska "Good alterna-pop. Good songwriting and performance... shows a nice range of dynamic and emotion, and kept me interested to the very end." ALED - Montreal, Canada "Sings like Bob Dylan. I really think modern music needs another Bob." Highgroove "Sign these guys up. Now. How many words for good are there? Great, awesome, fantastic, rockin'. I could go on and on. But I don't need to, this doesn't need a review for people to recognize how good it is." Brothercali - N. Scituate, Rhode Island "Here's the deal, i dont really listen to this kinda music, but i really thought it was pretty damn good, lyrics are awesome" Meshuggahsphere - Boca Raton, Florida "Great melody which will be in my head for days now, the musicians are all playing within context - no wanking!! YAY!! Excellent job!" Knucklehead - Oklahoma City, Oklahoma "Best Song on Garageband... hands down baby... yeah.... DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMN!!!!!!! That was soooo rocking! Don't change it! It was like U2 and the Goo Goo Dolls combined!!!! SWEEEEEEET!!!! This should SO be #1!!!" AZKtown - Kayenta, Arizona "They have a fresh sound i almost forgot it wasnt the radio...they are really talented" ALTAR_EGO - Panama City Beach, Florida "I've seen the future of Alternative" Beau - San Francisco, California "band is great and the tune too! The melody sticks on your mind and it should be playing in every good radio around the world." Ace - Seattle, Washington "Nicely written and performed. Mellow and sincere. The message comes across loud and clear." Friekman - "If Michael Stipe and Andy Partridge bred...this is it. This band sounds like the bastard offspring of REM and XTC...which is excellent. Rock-solid rhythm section, great singer, great guitars..." Anonymous - Seattle, Washington "Wow, its a band that sounds very similar . . . to U2, but unfortunately for U2, these guyz may sport more skill then them!" Anonymous - Fircrest, Washington |
This old photo clearly shows Lee Harvey Oswald on stage and singing
the blues with lead guitarist Jack Ruby at Ruby's nightclub sometime before
the assassination of President Kennedy. The Warren Commission made no mention
of this musical connection between the assassin and the assassin's killer.
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©2000 Shooting Rubys. All Rights Reserved.